The same word "mucus" sounds like something unpleasant. But after all, it is possible to change the word "hydration". You know, the popular expression: "Behold, baba saw a man and she once "pomerculo" between the legs". Yes, this is the mucus normal reaction to stimulation object the women. But not if these secretions, then the sexual act would have been similar, chop the carrots on a grater.
Lord virgin, first sex do not be afraid of mucus secretions in women when excited, which means that you really like.
A small example of life. A very shy virgin, schoolgirl, madly in love with a girl of a class in parallel. Crazy, wrote her anonymous love poems, but she point blank I have ever seen.
Not even know how to "roll up" to her, because she does not know what are the basics you need to study sexually. He would be foolish, literature, reading, and him with small volumes, the great poets dragged. The only thing that he had vaguely heard that there are sexually transmitted diseases, and something then there is dripping of organs.
It just so happens that the object of his desire, the same seduced. Where-as-a celebration of the school became fuzzy. And here I am at the home of her parents, no, the destiny has put them all. Kisses, tenderness, trembling hands he touched her lips - and there are no women mucus when excited. But instantly shod so the fear, the presentiment that the girl has been infected with a terrible disease, because the moisture in the shorts is oh-oh! Poor guy, he is "six-and-a-half", and him with shame, ran away from his "goddess".
Later, the lover failed with a laugh, sad recounted this episode, as he lost his first love. Well yes, time heals everything, and then he learned, married, spawn a lot of children.
How and why does it occur allocation of the women when excited?
Vaginal fluid has a composition very complex, that produce the sex glands present in the vagina, the uterus and the vaginal epithelium. It's not worth to think that the mucus is distinguished only during the excitation, in small amounts in the vagina is always there.
But before sex and during arousal the body expels mucus multiple times, the sexual act was the most comfortable as possible, and would not have been cleaning, bringing unpleasant feeling of both partners.
The healthy girl's vaginal fluid is slightly thick, transparent mucus , without explicit smell and unnatural color. Every woman the amount of moisture is different, everything depends on the degree of excitation and its preparation for the congress. Expert Partner to understand, as much as it excited his beloved, and will make any prelude to sex, to not get the dubious pleasure cleaning.
But and abundant selection of lubrication in women with excitement sometimes cause psychological distress of both lovers, especially if the couple for the first time or for a short period he had sexual relations. The man can assume that with the lady that something is wrong: or dissolved, or some problem with his health in the sexual sphere. A girl can be shy or, in general, to renounce sex. In his opinion such an abundance of moisture, remove the partners, and, um, they are very unpleasant sounds from the vagina due to this, during sexual intercourse, similar to... Well you understand.
What color are available in a selection - the norm and the real concerns
Then, a list of colors:
- colorless or slightly whitish hue;
- a rich white cheese liquid;
- gray or even greenish;
- In the first case should not be afraid. Also the white highlight in the excitement of the women-is not a sign of his illness, is professor of beli. Observe especially the girls, who are in the period of ovulation is a sign of the time the conception of a child. As well as the white color can be lubrication during arousal, especially when sexual intercourse or after the intercourse with condom.
- In the second case, if in panties white girls cheesy selection , and from her vagina and the genitals seem to be inflamed, probably, had a thrush. This does not mean that she has a venereal disease, and does not mean you are unclean - this may be a reaction to antibiotics, such as personal hygiene. But the sex is desirable in a condom.
- Leakage of liquids during arousal in women grey with a touch of green can be dangerous to the partner. And not just the color says danger, but also the presence of a strong smell , excuse me, rotten fish, will give to know the girl something to someone "towed". Even if the girl is all clean and tidy. With the type of woman "cuddling" is not necessarily an impact on health.

The myths fans of adult movies of secretions
Initially, I want to dispel a myth for fans of adult movies, simply - pornography. Sometimes in movies there are the episodes: here he deals with a couple, and not only wild sex, and lo and behold, one of the women begin copious secretions during arousal, yes, so that to pour the floor of the bed, and during orgasm in general, is like a whale directs the powerful jet of vaginal fluid to the top.
After seeing this movie on the internet is in the course of a heated debate: is it possible or not. Someone also knocks herself heel in the chest", which I personally seen similar, when I slept with my partner. Blatant bullshit and stupid stunt.
Slightly wetting the bed under the seats - still not gone well, but to pour litres, from the feet to the ears, and gushing - this is not the case.
Therefore, the board of girls, don't be shy, what's under you is has formed a small puddle: okay, that's enough, the body reacted in arousal, lubrication, and it took more. The men tip - do not be afraid and not to dishonor the girl: you have the same look stupid.
But in the case of poor lubrication, or its absence, have mercy of you both, well it is so, especially in a mature couple, when the women of the menopause, and she still oh how I wish! Well there it is in the sex-shops of special gel lubricant and, then, go ahead and cool is sex!
Sometimes during sex the woman looks at the hardship and drought, as well as there is not enough lubrication - natural secretions of the genital tract, which allow you to perform the sexual act. Why is this happening? The problem partner or more than one woman? What can help you in this delicate situation, and what tools to use? These questions require a detailed discussion.
Pro "is"
Sex is a natural need of the body. The men and women you deal with them not only to renew the genre, the sex is an act of love, of tenderness, of passion, entertainment and much more. For each pair of sexual relationship as a natural phase of relationships. However, sex is a mutual pleasure, reports of a tie between two people, and if one of the sexual partner which brings discomfort, the relationships can be corrupt. One of the frequent female problems is dryness during sex, which does not lack of lubrication. Lubrication is the colourless viscous fluid, released as a result of the excitation of a woman prior to the sexual act in a period of foreplay and during sex. Helps the introduction and movement of the penis into the vagina, preventing the discomfort, micro-cracks, and unpleasant sensations. The impact of various external and internal factors that can highlight the lubrication can vary. And with a lack of lubrication, sexual intercourse can cause women a burning sensation and other disorders.
Because the lubrication less?
Dryness of the vagina may occur due to several reasons: reduction of sexual hormones in menopause, after childbirth, diseases of the ovaries, or disease of the body. Decreases the amount of lubricant in the case of stress, physical exhaustion, during the intake of alcohol and smoking, after some medications.
In addition, it does not lack lubrication, and as a result of mechanical damage of the vaginal because of too active and intense sex, to a large penetration or because of allergies to latex. But one of the main reasons to reduce the number of lubrication is insufficient, the excitement of a woman because of the short prelude or its total absence, if the partner is not interested or does not excite a woman. Scientists have calculated that, on average, a woman needs 8 to 10 minutes (in some cases up to 15!) for the excitation, and if the partner is in a hurry, you may experience discomfort because of the dryness.
If there is not enough lubricant intimate relationship can become to a woman intolerable, they will seek to avoid of them that has struck like a personal relationship, your partner, and the mood, a solace, and also the self-esteem of a woman.

Where to start to "work on the bugs"?
First of all, it is necessary to discuss the problem with the partner, the change of sexual relationships: their diversity, paying enough attention peting for the woman aroused, and her vagina has shown a sufficient lubrication for comfortable penetration men. Every woman has a certain stimuli, and "secret areas". It is important to tell your partner that you like the most, which caresses you would want in a period of a prelude.
If the problem only occurs occasionally, it is possible to take advantage of special lubricants artificial lubricants), create a hotel slide and humidity. But if the problem occurs almost every time, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Sometimes the cause of the dryness is in the banal dehydration, lacks only the liquid for the production of additional portions of the lubrication. Then it helps the increase of the volume drunk per day of the liquid. As an option: the lack of lubrication can occur as a result of reaction to hygiene products. Women are often too zealous with the soap, underwear, interrupting the normal microflora of the vaginal and when we allow ourselves to overpower the mucous membranes. In this case, it is necessary to change the hygiene special.
The formation of the secretions of the excitement in women occurs due to the fact that during sexual intercourse increases the amount of fat. This occurs because of the natural lubricant, which is dependent upon the protection of the genital organs from mechanical injury - produces a much greater quantity of mucus.
Secretions contain a lot of substances, thanks to which it has protected the reproductive system from infections. But there are cases, when the selection during the intimacy too abundant, or vice versa - not enough of them, which is annoying.
Important! In healthy women vaginal lubrication of medium-density, transparent consistency and has a characteristic odor and color. If there is a change in color or viscosity, it is necessary to contact your doctor to determine the disease.
It is important to understand the nature of the secret. As abundant formation of secretions, and their absence can be a disturbing symptom. The impact on the change of the color and the viscosity of the mucus, it can cause the use of the medication, age, figure, and even hormonal change.
The effect of sexual intercourse for the formation of mucus
On average, markers on the wall of the vagina, the moisture will form after 12-16 seconds after it arrives active stimulation in the erogenous zone. This also occurs when a woman has a strong selection occur during the excitation at the psychological level. After that the sexual organ is introduced as a natural lubricant , the mucus continues to produce, and also increased their volume.
During the excitement the mucus differs in the standard, the more the maximum level of allocation occurs during orgasm. The decrease of the excitation branch of the mucus is normalized.
Natural lubrication is a sure sign of what happened to the female excitement , which is not possible to stimulate or falsify. The penetration of the sperm in the feminine genital organ can change the consistency of the fat and vaginal discharge will move to a new form consistency which is white in color .
Change the exhaust during intimacy
The selection in women manifests itself in the form of an aqueous, liquid, a substance that acts as a lubricant. The highest volume of fat usually form when a woman is excited. Often, some of the girls, after intimacy occurs in the formation of specific vaginal secretions . If the sexual intercourse occurs without a condom, after the act can manifest itself in women the formation of thick and transparent, secretory offices of the mucus.
This form of the vagina after a lapse of time pass into another form, and the secretions and formed white liquid consistency. When protected sexual intercourse, or while the abrupt interruption secretions observes the white poor the structure. The change of offices from the vagina sometimes occurs because of a medication hormonal.
When you apply a medication hormonal action (ie, birth control pills or other tools) can occur in the formation of an allergic reaction, which is characteristic of the braking process of ovulation. In this case, the selection of lubrication reduced to its normal volume. Rarely observed during the intake of contraceptives, the presence of more abundant offices of the mucus. As soon as hormonal stop taking the medication, the indicator has been normalized.
A negative impact due to a change of sexual partner
If the girls frequently change sexual partners, this can also cause a change in vaginal lubrication. Branch of the sexual organ can become more dense and abundant. This happens because of the fact that in sexual relations with a new partner changes the state of the microflora in the genitals.

Due to the action of a new probation pathogenic flora, penetrated in the system of the body in the vagina produces adaptation to the unknown bacteria and microorganism, and in some cases a complete refusal. Often, this results in an increase in the number of offices of mucus, and also a change in the color and the structure of lubrication. Usually, the little indicator has been normalized. However, with frequent changes of partners can be a serious disease, but also infertility.